Thursday, October 25, 2012

Parade tomorrow!

The past two weeks have flown by as we finished testing for report cards. I have seen great growth in the nine weeks that we have been in kindergarten, so I am very happy and grateful for that. Your report cards are going home in the Bulldog folders this Friday. Please sign and return envelope, not the report card itself.
In other exciting news, tomorrow is our Storybook Character parade. This is a great opportunity to celebrate reading. All of the students will participate and dress up as a character from any storybook. This is not a Halloween celebration so please no scary costumes or masks.Remember to send the book with your child. Also,please check the weather and send in a jacket or a change of clothes as a cold front is supposed to come in the morning(keeping in mind that our recess starts at 12:55).
Parents are invited to attend the parade to watch us from the cafeteria, and the parade  is starting at 8:30 a.m.
Boosterthon was a success and our class raised a lot of money! Please send in any pledges owed so we can get our class total and 10% of that goes right back into our classroom.
Thank you for your involvement in everything that goes on in our class, I am very fortunate to have an amazing group of parents this year!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Tomorrow is the big day! Our Boosterthon Fun Run will start at 8:55 in the morning. I suggest getting here a little bit earlier to find parking and to get checked in. If you are picking up your child after the fun run please make sure to sign him/her out on the sign out sheet I will have in my classroom.
Please send your child in comfortable clothes/shoes to run in. I have the t-shirts here and will give it to the students in the morning.
There is still time tonight to submit pledges online; our class is in second place grade wide and in seventh place school wide.

Thank you for your generosity with time and money to make this Boosterthon event a big success. Thank you Mrs. Nieto and Mrs. Lees for decorating our shirts they look pretty cool!!
Today we had a Popsicle and a popcorn party that the kiddos had earned, and tomorrow they may bring something special from home.
Bring your running shoes and I will hopefully see you tomorrow!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Boostherton update

Thank you Shining Stars Families for your great show of support for BWE as you help your child get pledges. We are hitting a record almost every day. The students earn prizes individually and as a class for ex. today we earned 10 minutes of extra recess and tomorrow we will have some extra center time. We have also earned popcorn and are working towards earning more classroom rewards.
Remember that the Boostherton Fun Run is on Friday morning at 8:55. Your kiddos are so very excited to participate and I encourage you and invite you to come cheer them on. Also remember to collect the money from the pledges before Friday. All of this money will benefit our school and our classroom directly!
A big thank you to all the moms that came to decorate our door as it looks pretty "patrol-y"  going right along with our theme "Mrs. Cox's Highway Patrol". Thank you again for sending in money to decorate the t-shirts as Mrs. Nieto will decorate them tomorrow for us. Mrs. Nieto has been such a great help as she has been heading all of the Boostherton classroom activities and I wanted to publicly thank her for her time and willingness to serve.
If you ever want to volunteer in my class please contact her as she can get you on our schedule.
I hope to see you shining star families on Friday morning as we run for our school!
Have an amazing week, we sure will!

Star of the Week

This was Mia, one of our Stars of the Week. She brought in her special American doll and we learned so much about her!

Star of the Week

This was Chris when he was Star of the Week! Thank you for all of the yummy and healthy snacks and for sharing with us all of the things you did in Japan, Chris!


We are very privileged as we have the latest technology in our school and classroom and we integrate it in our daily routine. We use the overhead projector, the i-cam, computers, listening centers, and just last week we used the ipads for the first time. Later in the month we will use the laptops;thank you for all of the donations of headphones and money for headphones as Mrs. Wendy Nieto (room mom) will go and purchase the ones we were missing with the money sent in. She will also purchase the t-shirt paints, tie dye kits, and any other supplies needed for decorating our Boosterthon shirts with the money that you all sent. Thank you for your generosity!
Here are some pictures of us using the ipads:

Learning hands-on!

Here are some pictures of us in our different literacy/math/science centers:

                                            Working on measuring length

                                              Drawing the solar system

                                            Ordering food items in our Poetry Cafe
                                                     Taking orders for our Cafe
                                                In charge of the register and food orders
                                                 Future architect
                                                    Labeling and illustrating a picture
                                                 Writing a love letter to dad
                                                 Spelling familiar names
                                                    Using our senses as observation tools
                                               Using scientific instruments to observe
                                                Reading and relaxing
                                                   Reading aloud to a friend
                                            Sorting in the math center
                                            Showing off art work
                                              Reading around the room

Author visit

We had children's author Kate Klise visit on Sept. 28th. She read two books and answered questions from our kiddos. They were thrilled to meet a "famous" author as in our class we are all authors, just not famous yet.

Wow Work

This is some beggining of the year work we had done in class and that I wanted to share, most of them have names. The first one belongs to Cameron and the second picture belongs to Emma S.

Book Buddies

We have partnered up with Dr. Henderson's Third Grade Class and they come read with us every Tuesday morning. We look forward to the visits from our older friends!