Monday, January 28, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day
February 14, 2013

On Thursday, February 14, we will be celebrating the day of love and friendship by exchanging Valentine cards, eating a festive treat, and creating a craft. We will not need any parent assistance on this holiday.

Valentine's Day is one of our special days in which we are allowed to eat and distribute candy at school, so feel free to attach a sweet treat to your child's valentines. Please provide 22 valentines for our class:

8 boys
+12 girls
20 students

Thank you so much,
Mrs. Cox
Patrick                  Kevin
Carlos Rey
Peyton       Cameron
Isabelle      Wynter
Shaelin       Emma S.
Alyssa       Mia
Emma M.    Corynn

100th day of school

Dear Parents,

The 100th day of school is Wednesday, February 6th.
On this day, Kindergarten will have a parade to display our "100 year old costumes" to everyone at Birnham Woods Elementary.
Please dress your child like he/she is 100 years old on this day.... (wear glasses, a cane, gray hair, old lady/man clothing, etc.) to school. You may be as CREATIVE as you like!

Parents are welcome to watch the parade, which will start at 8:30 am. (Don't forget to bring your camera for some wonderful pictures!)

Also on this day, classrooms will be doing “hundreds” of activities to celebrate how far we have made it! In order for these activities to be a success we need the following items donated. Please send in the checked food/item by Friday, February 1st, or return this note if you are unable to provide anything at this time.

_____ 1 large bag of plain M&M's
_____ 1 bag of pretzel twists
_____ 1 large container of Goldfish crackers
_____ 1 bag/box of Cheerios (or generic equivalent)
_____ 1 bag/box of Fruit Loops
_____ 1 large bag of Animal Crackers
_____ 1 bag/box of Cookie Crunch cereal (or generic equivalent)
_____ 1 large bag of Skittles
_____ 1 box of chocolate Teddy Grahams
_____ 1 bag of mini-marshmallows
_____ 1 box of quart-size Ziplock bags

Thank you very much! We appreciate your donated item(s),
The Kindergarten Team

Hello again!

It has been a while, hasn't it? The Holidays flew by and before I knew it, January was almost gone, too! We are definitely overdue for an update in the Shining Stars Classroom!
First of all, thank you for the wonderful gifts and treats for our party in December; you made me feel so special! The children had a wonderful time, too, pictures to be coming hopefully soon.
The first weeks of January were like a whirlwind as we assessed, reviewed, and introduced new concepts to our kiddos. One of the new things that we started as part of our Literacy program is our guided reading groups. Everyday I work with a different group of students to help them become better readers and we model and practice reading correctly. Green guided reading folders with one book went out last week and are going out again today. Please read every night and use the strategies I provided for you, and sign one time for the week as you return the book on Friday.
I am also introducing a Literacy program called "Daily Five" where we are working every day to read longer and get more "stamina", learning to choose "just right" books, among other cool things. So far we have done several lessons but it is an ongoing process. I am excited to see the results at the end of the year.
A big thank you to all the volunteer readers, Watchdog Dads and grandpas, classroom helpers and tutors, and to everyone that has sent in supplies when needed. You have made the difference and your help counts! Thank you also for being my partner in your child's education and for spending time helping them at home. Have a wonderful rest of the week!